Brace yourselves, the day's hotel news just got a lot more depressing. WSJ is reporting on a statement made by Kim Kardashian about opening her own branded hotel in the United Arab Emirates. In her words: "everything I think will be successful here."
Hmm, a self-obsessed reality TV star with delusions of starting her own hotel? Haven't we heard this one before? Also, Kim you might want to stop copying the Hilton sisters at some point.
Kim is currently touring the country solo, and was apparently so swept away by all the beautiful women there that she took to Twitter to make her feelings known. So, she's got millions of dollars, has already visited a few of the world's glitziest hotels, and has a thing for beautiful women? Judging from what we know of other well-known lady-loving hoteliers, Kim certainly seems to fit all the criteria. All we ask is that she lays off the houndstooth. That's not so much to ask, is it?
Kim sat down to an audience of reporters at Atlantis Dubai and gushed:
"I was telling my sisters, we've got to start up a hotel in Dubai and design all the different rooms and floors.
I like to pay attention to what my fan base is really asking for, whether it's hair and make-up, clothing brands...everything I think will be successful here and I look forward to getting to know the people here."
Unfortunately, she hasn't quite gained the confidence of shareholders who would (if at all) make this happen. The WSJ spoke to one international hotel consultant by the name of Harjinder Singh, who threw Kim's vision into sharp relief by contrasting it with the success of already-established fashion house hotels, like the Armani:
"Armani and Versace are designers who have used their expertise to build designer upscale hotel brands, but with all due respect we are not aware of Kim's expertise in hotel interior designing, hence it is difficult to comment on the success of this venture."
(Source: Hotelchatter.com)
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